Robert Stobiński
Member of the Management Board for digital, logistics and commodity management
Amica Group
Robert Stobiński - a graduate of the University of Technology in Poznań and Cranfield University in Great Britain. For almost 25 years, he has been dealing with the issues of managing international supply chains, both in terms of distribution logistics and production management. He is particularly interested in the problem of "trade-up" between the expected level of customer service and the cost of providing it. Co-author of the book "Logistics decisions with Excel" awarded with the J.M. Rector of the Poznań University of Economics. Author of many articles in the trade press and speaker at conferences in logistics and production management.
Before taking up the position of the Chief Digital Officer (CDO) responsible for digital transformation at Amica SA, he was the General Director of Amazon centers in Poznań, London and Szczecin. Previously, he worked, among others positions at Bundy Refrigeration as Operations Director in Europe, at Samsung Electronics Poland Manufacturing as Vice President Operations and Amica Wronki as Operations Director.