We are strongly encouraging you to attend the February meeting and recommend that you save the date.
Scheduled for 7-9 May, 2024, the 16th edition of the European Economic Congress, the largest event of its kind in Central Europe, will traditionally be held in the International Congress Centre in Katowice.
Unchanged since its establishment, the mission of the the European Economic Congress has always been to provide a platform for open debate about the future of Polish and European economies. Each edition of the EEC is preceded by a campaign led by representatives of numerous societies, persons of unique talents, as well as leaders in their field. Such a campaign, promoting the next edition of the event, has officially launched. For many years, the stakeholders have interacted and engaged in consultation to indicate economically significant tendencies, groundbreaking technologies, new phenomena, major challenges, and opportunities for development.
Having evolved from conversations and conclusions drawn at EEC Trends, the agenda of the EEC reaches fruition, addressing contemporary challenges.
The following subjects will be put for debate at the next edition of EEC Trends: the consequences of the complex geopolitics of the world with the war in Europe and the energy crisis at the forefront, the energy transition and processes of adapting the economy to challenges posed by a changing climate, the problems caused by an economic slowdown, as well as conditions and consequences of digitalisation.
The debate on the above-mentioned problems and challenges will be accompanied by a WNP Awards gala. The awards funded by editorial staff of the WNP.PL will be granted to those who have weathered the challenging circumstances and managed to improve Poland's economy.
We are looking forward to co-operating with you as well as sharing ideas and inspiring experiences during the debates and meetings at the EEC Trends!